I have these 3 really large window facing out to the ocean and the birds think they can fly right through. My dog Riley heard the thump also and ran out to investigate. I had to run quickly to keep him from attacking the poor bird, who lay still on the grass below. I did notice that it's eyes were still open and there was a whisper of movement, so I was hoping it would not die there and just take a breather to get over the shock. After about a minute or so, I noticed it's eyes had closed and I was dreading having to box it up and bury down below. I went inside for a few more minutes and heard Riley barking again and ran out to make sure he wasn't ripping the poor bird to shreads. The bird was gone. Whew, I was grateful that the bird was only stunned and headed back to wherever it had come from.
Yesterday there was an interesting post and much debate over on Ed Winkleman's Blog regarding an exhibition in Costa Rica. I reserve making comments, but the thought that this exhibition took place, really turns my stomach. Reading his thoughts and the thoughts of others got me thinking about how far an artist and gallery will go in the name of art.
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