Sitting in my studio, updating stuff and answering some long overdue emails, all of a sudden I hear the all too familiar boom that causes me to fly out of my leather chair, push open the door of my studio, race through the gate and find the pigeon that just hit my picture window before my dogs get to it. As luck would have it, the pigeon fell into a planter, just out of reach of my dogs. As I chase the dogs inside and close the door before they can devour this pour bird, I step in a huge fire ant nest and now have ants chewing away at the flesh on my feet. I get inside, grap a plastic grocery bag and flee back outside to check to see if the pigeon survived its horrible crash. As I poke at it with a stick, there is no movement and after turning it over I see the blood oozing from its beak. I realize that the bird must have broken its poor neck on impact. I pick it up with the plastic bag and grab my ever handy camera to take some shots that I know I will use in future paintings.
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