Still working diligently trying to get the gallery ready. Lots of unexpected things keep coming up, forcing us to delay the opening. One being plumbing issues. Had an unexpected leak in one of the bathrooms, causing us to get a plumber in to fix it. This resulted in having 3 of our newly finished walls to be ripped apart to get to pipes. Now we get to re concrete the walls and paint all over again.
During this, we have gotten appts for bids for air conditioning, a security system with monitoring and insurance. While waiting for people who never actually show up, or not calling with info when they say they will, we have not progressed much with this. Seems like a downhill battle.
I really truly can't wait for the gallery to be open so I can get back to making art and trying to sell it instead of dealing with construction and plumbing things. I have been spending 10-12 hrs a day in the gallery. Every muscle and bone in my body aches. I need a massage, NOW!!!
I have some photos, just no time to adjust and post them. Hopefully over the weekend I can post some.