Well after months of preparations and work, we are now a gallery. Our first day of business on Friday was very successful. We actually sold an original painting right after opening the doors. I am here now working and tryng to get caught up on so many other things that have been put off while consturction was under way. We still have some dust and a few things to finish up, but we are in working order.
Congratulations, Glenda.....It all looks wonderful. Happy Holidays.....and good fortune in 2009.
I grew up in Miami, FL. In my studio, I am presently working on finding my way through art and painting, using various mediums such as oils, pastels, encaustic and mixed media. I graduated from Florida International University with my BA in Fine Art and a minor in Art History.
The Big Chill, The Color Purple, Sleepless in Seattle, To Kill a Mockingbird, Terms of Endearment, Crash, Miracle on 34th Street, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Monster, Bridge to Terabithia, NeverEnding Story
Congratulations, Glenda.....It all looks wonderful. Happy Holidays.....and good fortune in 2009.
Thanks Cheryl. Lots of hard work. Happy holidays and good fortune to you also. Can't wait to start painting again though.
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