Thursday, April 19, 2007

Language of the Goddess

Once again the phone line was cut or something and just got my line back this morning after a week of no phone. I finally went to the local Sprint store and got one of those wireless connections. It works great. So now I can cancel my DMax service, and not be dependent on whether my phone line is working. Problem solved!!!

I am finally beginning to get my groove back with my art. I have been researching and studying for my new piece and actually got some drawings done day before yesterday. I am really getting exciting about starting this piece. I will try to get some photos up of my drawings in progress a bit later. I always get really excited when I am almost ready to put paint on the canvas. But I have to hold myself back till I get all my drawings done and my composition worked out.

I jut got this new book from Amazon called "The Language of the Goddess" written by Marija Gimbutas. I also have several other of her books. For the past two years I have been doing a lot of research and reading on the Goddess and the influence she has had on different cultures and how she fits into today's society, if she does at all. The forward is written by Joseph Campbell, author of "Masks of God-Creative Mythology" Masks of God-Creative Mythology: and others.

I have always had this fascination with early religious cultures and how those customs have been absorbed into modern times. It is interesting for me to see how the ancient civilizations worshipped and the similarities between their religion and the different religions of today. I have also been fascinated with how the worship of women during that time has changed into what what the roles of women has become now. I somehow feel that finding a link between them will, in some way, connect me, personally, to the women of ancient times. As I seek my answers it is a challenge to find ways to incorporate them into my art.

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