Monday, April 9, 2007

Quit smoking, Pearls before Breakfast and Work

Wow, this past week has been a mess. So many things going on and I feel like I will never get it all done. But I am trying to, one thing at time.

Today is my sister's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

The other day I received an email with a link from a fellow artist. I was reading it this morning Pearls for Breakfast while I was having my coffee and keeping my mind off not smoking. This s day 1, but more later. Anyway, I was amazed to read how this experiment ended up. Take a look at it, I think you may agree.

Yes, I have quit smoking, once again. I quit for 8 years until last July when I started back up. I couldn't believe how easy it was for me to pick it up again after not smoking for so many years. I could have kicked myself in the butt. Now, 8 months later, I am back on the non-smoker track. I am using this new medication called Chantix to help me with the urges. So far, so good. I am finding that I have lots of extra time on my hands now that I am not smoking. It is amazing how a habit can take up so much time. I am also ready to begin my diet and exercise regime for the wedding in Oct. Tonight will be my first night as I ill begin walking around the neighborhood. Slowly of course, as I am so out of shape I don't want to over-do it and burn myself out.

Now I am off to clean my SUV so that it doesn't smell like stale smoke.

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