Monday, November 12, 2007

Preparing for our EEAG Juried Show

This past weekend has been a whirlwind for me. As President of the EEAG, I had to prepare for our annual juried show. On Thursday I arrived at the museum and waited for our 12:00pm cutoff for receiving works to be judged. We received 168 pieces. Many of these were fabulous pieces of art. I walked around and studied and selected my favorites hoping they would be selected for the show. I also selected works that I felt should win prizes. On Friday, I met with the jurors and stayed in the background as they selected our show. I was really amazed at the choices they made and surprised with some winner selections. Only 2 of the pieces I selected in my mind for prizes actually received one. I often wonder what goes through the mind of jurors as they are selecting a show. We had three jurors, which btw, I believe is way too many. First, there was scheduling issues, then all three had to be in agreement as to whether a piece would be selected or not and they all also had to agree on the prizes. It was interesting to see how one juror would try really hard to convince the other two to choose a piece that she fell in love with. On Sat. we shot photos of the selected pieces, all 90 of them and then returned to the museum yesterday for the ick up of pieces. It is really hard to face an artist who has worked so hard on a piece and then tell them they were rejected or that their favorite piece was not selected. Our show will open on Feb 2 and promises to be very exciting. Now the fun begins as preparations begin for the catalog design and press begin.

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