Thursday, November 15, 2007

Spring Cleaning

After spending this past weekend getting our EAG juried show in place, I thought that I would take a couple days off just to rest. HA! I ended up doing some things that I had been putting off for quite a while. The first thing was cleaning my upstairs bedroom. Our room is the most neglected plac in our home. It has been quite some time since I really cleaned it and felt it was time. The weather was rainy, so Monday I headed upstairs to do some major overhauling. I spent 2 whole days up there moving furniture around, cleaning sinks, dusting and wiping grime off ceiling fans. I threw out 4 hefty bags of stuff. So much for a break. Today I will be in my studio doing the same. I bought a new table for my studio to hold all my encaustic materials and need to find space. My studio is 20 x 17 and when we built it, I thought there would be plenty of room. How quickly I outgrew it.

After my trips ut of town and a change to put some distance between myself and my Samson painting, I have decided that it is soooo not finished. I need to get on it and really make some changes. The figure and the background is not integrated and I need major repairs to try to salvage it. I am confident that I can do this. Ths will be my goal for next week as I don't see myself getting any work done till then. Friday will be a busy day with my A.M. Spanish class and an afternoon EEAG board meeting. Saturday will be the EEAG general meeting and then a late afternoon baby shower and another friend who is having a kiln firing party. Sunday will be spent with hubby here helping my move some furniture from one guestroom into our master, that I was unable to do earlier. My walkin closet leaves a lot to be desired, so I need to improvise to make some more room. I also have the beginning of a major toothache and see a visit to the dentist in the very near future. Oh joy!!!

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