Thursday, February 7, 2008

Feeling Better and Looking Ahead

After 3 days of being completely knocked down by this cold, I am feeling better. Yesterday I ran a few overdue errands and today am playing catchup on everything that got put off by being sick. Lots to do before my trek to Vegas next week.

I need to update the EEAG website, prepare for Friday's board meeting, finish my painting for our show in Mar, begin my self portrait for the Women's show in Apr. and finalize details for the EEAG fund raising event on the 23rd of Feb. Let's not forget grocery shopping and housecleaning, there is no food and the house is a disaster. Wow, this didn't seem so bad in the crevasses of my mind. Once I see it all written out, I am beginning to feel a bit panicky. Guess I better get busy!!!

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