Monday, August 27, 2007

Life's little surprises

The rest of last week didn't end up anywhere near what my plans were at the beginning of the week. After dealing with printer issues, cards for the gallery, brochures and other things, I didn't get any painting done. Sat. I managed to get to my figure drawing class and headed out with a friend to San Juan afterwards. Upon my arrival back home, I was surprised to find that my husband had arranged for me to stay in San Juan for the afternoon so that he could surprise me with a birthday party. I had my suspicions that he was up top something, but the topper on the surprise was that he flew my son in from Miami to surprise me. And surprised I was. My son heads back to Miami tonight, so I get to spend the day with him. Visits with the kids are never long enough but he has to get back to school and to work. It was a great weekend and painting will have to be postponed until tomorrow.

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