Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Step 1 of healing

Ten things I am grateful for:

1. Having my husband in my life...even though he has his problems and baggage...at least he is honest and I don't have to wonder where or who he's with at night...

2. A roof over my head

3. Great friends who have hung in there with me through the good times and the bad. Have lost some along the way, proving they weren't really friends to start with.

4. My son...I am so proud of who he is becoming...granted he doesn't always make the right choices...but he is a good person.

5. My grand daughter...I just love her to pieces...

6. That I finally have the courage to move away from people who do not have my best intentions at heart.

7. I have my gallery...it is a struggle right now, but believe in my dream that it will all be ok.

8. My dreams...that through this all, I still have a positive outlook and believe I can make things happen.

9. That even though I have had a lot of heartbreaks, I still have an open heart and have not become bitter to the point of paralysis.

10. That I can still wake up every morning and believe it will all be ok.

My first step to freeing myself will be to get rid of all the things from my previous marriage that meant something to me. My wedding ring, jewelry he gave me...time to shed them...maybe melt them all down and have something else made, or just sell them...the proceeds will go to help my gallery...I had thought of saving my diamonds for my grand daughter, but why would she want them when they were given to be by someone she will never know or who is not related to her. There will be more heirlooms down the road. Two years is long enough to hold on to a past filled with continuous hurt and heartache.

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