Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Still trying to get my bird back

You know, each day that goes by, I am getting stronger and stronger. Finally realizing the extent of the control and mind games this idiot had over me. I am trying very hard not to be angry, as anger is a negative energy that I do not need in my life. So because I am doing what I need to do, I guess he is feeling out of control and trying to control me in different ways, because after 18 years, he know which buttons to push. Not going to work this time...I am stronger and wiser. Don't have time for this anymore. Taking my control back and never allowing anyone to ever have that power over me again. Nothing left to use against me for leverage except my bird. So I guess I need to get an attorney after all. Perhaps this time I can get what is mine...when I explain the level of manipulation that was used to discourage me from getting my own attorney back then and the fact that I wanted to get away from him and puerto Rico so badly, that I agreed to anything just to get the hell out of there.

1. That I have a husband now who does love me and doesn't try to control me.

2. That I have a beautiful grand daughter who is the light of my life along with my son.

3. That I have great friends who stand by me and are finally seeing the true character of the person they held in such high regard. Wait long enough and the true character will emerge.

4. That he has someone else in his life he can manipulate now and take the focus off of me. They actually deserve each other...two people who can't keep their pants up.

5. That I am actually beginning to get over my cold.

6. I got a great nights sleep. Boy did I need it.

7. It is Wednesday and it is going to be a great day!

8. Christmas is almost here...I love Christmas! It is my favorite holiday.

9. That my son is waking up to see he has some issues and is working on them.

10. That in spite of some financial issues, my world is good.

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